By / 16th August, 2017 / Uncategorized / Off

16 August 2017

Our first clematis buds have opened at last.  These are the early ‘Heralders’ of spring as the temperatures are more reliably rising and warming the soil.  The bright yellow narcissi bulbs were first, and now the daffodils.  Many more bulbs are popping their heads up bravely and testing the air.  I planted 3 clematis seedlings 2 years ago and they literally took off, climbing up the manukas on the side of our drive, clinging wherever they could, as they reached for the light.  All 3 flowered in the first year, and are now all budded and beginning to open.  We also have a clematis off the rear deck, (on a five finger tree), and another on the front deck, (growing along the rail), and both are in bud now, waiting their turn to burst open.

Next will be the kowhai, and in the next one to two months, the Te Henga Valley will come alive with the yellow kowhai blooms, and star bursts of clematis from atop the green of the trees.  I love spring!